Last week in Te Ngahere were learning the Kawa Of Care. We had to create a DLO, animation, Posters, slideshows about the Kawa Of Care. I really think that everybody should have a case for the chromebook and computers. If you are eating and drinking next to your chromebook lets say a fizzy tips on your chromebook then you WON'T! get insurance. As well if your holding your chromebook with one hand and you pretend to chuck it in the air your not going to get insurance because you have to hold your chromebook with two hands. Have you had insurance on your chromebook before?
Friday, August 28, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Mind Blowing Wonder Project.
Every week on Wednesday in Te Ngahere we have been doing this project called the Wonder Project. Troy is a engineer and Gustavo is a pomologist . We learnt what gear to wear when you are launching a rocket. I really like this project because I didn’t know much about rockets but now I do and it’s super duper fun . We get to do exciting activities every week when Troy and Gustavo come on Wednesday . Have you ever launched a rocket before?
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Fantastic Mosaic Art
Last week in Te Ngahere we were learning how to do mosaic art. The point of doing this was to make it look realistic and use their natural colours. At first I didn’t know much about mosaic art. I learnt that mosaic art is different shapes but they aren’t to close together. I also learnt that mosaic is a popular art. We did art like this in lockdown. We had to pick an animal or a person that inspires you or food and I picked a red and orange fox. I really liked how my mosaic art turned out but you really couldn’t see the paws on my fox. The easiest part was the eyes and the hardest part was the paws. Have you done mosaic art before?